Sign Language
At Kennedy Kids we offer Auslan also known as sign language. Sign language has emerged as a communication tool for parents, families and childcare workers around Australia. Being able to respond to a child’s needs brings less stress for children, and also, makes the job of a childcare worker a much more positive experience each day.
Not only is it fun for kids to learn it’s a handy tool for children later on. One of the reasons children’s songs such as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” are so popular with children are the actions, which serve to make it simpler for the child to understand. It’s no surprise that the use of sign language by hearing parents, with hearing children, around the world has provided impressive research results. It’s proven that not only are babies able to communicate simple sign expressions from before 6 months of age, but also that these children tend to develop oral language earlier.
Kennedy kids childcare use the national sign language of Australia (Auslan), which allows parents and professionals to borrow from an already established set of signs. The beauty of using a standard sign system is that all carers and children can communicate effectively, and parents can become involved as well.