The early years learning framework
The Early Years Learning Framework is a guide educators use that determines our educational curriculum and how we at Kennedy Kids educate and engage children in learning and developing skills. The framework has a vision for children’s learning. Its foundation is ensuring that children in all early childhood education and care base settings/centres experience quality learning and teaching. The framework specifically emphasises on play-based learning and recognises the importance of language (including early literacy and numeracy), learning and children’s social and emotional development. This vision is upheld by all our dedicated educators who are passionate about implementing the framework at our service.
“Being, Belonging and Becoming”
refers to how children are linked to family, community, culture, and place.
Being – to live in the present, experience what is happening here and now. For children, understanding that they are accepted for who they are and knowing that they have others who care about them is important. Childhood is all about play, trying new things, learning to make social connections with peers and having fun. When a child has a sense of being, they build and maintain relationships with others, take part in life’s journey and are better prepared to face challenges in everyday life.
Belonging – family, community, culture, and place are all important in helping children feel they belong. When children have a sense of belonging, they are more confident, feel more secure, are more creative and more likely to explore the world of learning.
Becoming – to experience change through different events and circumstances in one’s life. A child’s sense of becoming refers to the changes they experience as they grow, learn, and develop. It is our goal at Kennedy Kids to support all children to be active participants in their own learning. We want our centre to be a place where they come to place where they feel a sense of belonging, and to support them in their learning journey.